Form Lasting Bonds Through Letter Writing

How To Send A Letter To Your Sponsored Student

Relationship building between sponsors and students is at the heart of the LSEF mission and letter writing is a great way to create lasting bonds. 

These FAQs address the correspondence guidelines for our school sponsorship program in Uganda. 

Q:  Can I send my letter electronically?
A:  Yes, this is the preferred method of communication. Please create your letter in a document and attach that file along with any small photo files to an email. At the top of your letter, please type your student's name and LSEF ID#. Please also type this name and ID# into the subject line of your email.
Send to:  LSAFsponsorship@gmail.com  

Q:  Can I send a hand written card or letter?
A:  Yes, please send your letter in an inner envelope that is unsealed. Clearly mark the inner envelope with your name as sender in the return address area and prominently display your student's name and LSEF ID#.

Mail letters to:
LSOSF Midwest, Inc.
PO Box 170401
Milwaukee, WI  53217

Q:  Are there any size or weight restrictions for letters?
A:  Yes! Please send your letters in an envelope no larger than 10”x13” and weighing only several ounces. 

Q:  What type of things should I write to my child about?
A:  The students love to know about you, your family, and your life in the U.S. Encourage your child/young adult in their studies and consider including photos of you and your family. Letters can be brief, they will be happy knowing you are thinking of them. The love and support you express can guide and positively influence your sponsored child or young adult. 

Q:  Will my sponsored student write back?  What can I expect to receive?
A:  It is our goal that after each term, you will receive your student's report card and a personal letter. As these letters and reports are received, our Ugandan team will send them electronically to our Milwaukee based student communications coordinator and they will be forwarded onto sponsors.

Q:  How often should I write to my student?
A:  Please plan to write a note of encouragement for the start of each school term and a greeting at the end of the school year to be received before the Christmas holiday.  

There are three terms that comprise the school year for primary and secondary students in Uganda. Their school year begins in early February and ends in early December.

  • Term 1:  Early February to early May
  • Term 2:  Late May to late August
  • Term 3:  Mid September to late November

Some university and post secondary programs follow semester schedules similar to those in the United States beginning in August and ending in May.  Post secondary students are required to remit their grade reports and a personal letter to their sponsor at the end of each semester or term in order to be eligible for further support. Sponsors of post secondary students on semester schedules might only receive two letters and reports each year .  

Consider submitting an electronic or USPS letter for your student by the following dates:

  • January 15th - Start of the new school year greeting
  • April 15th - Start of Term 2 and Easter time greeting
  • August 15th - End of Term 2, Start of Term 3 greeting
  • November 15th - End of the school year / holiday greeting

Q:  How will you send our letters to Uganda? 
A:  Letters received electronically or through the PO Box will be scanned and sent electronically to our team in Uganda where they will be printed out and delivered to the children.  On the occasion that someone is traveling to Uganda, we will inform sponsors and additional letters may be sent along.

Q:  Can I ever send my child a gift or personal item?
A:  To be sensitive to all the sponsored children in the program and because of delivery difficulties, we discourage individual gifts and ask that you consider contributing an extra monetary gift for general use for the benefit of all the sponsored children.  This fund will provide for special celebrations at Christmas and at the end of the school year. This gift can be made along with your sponsorship payment, please indicate the amount you wish to allocate for the general gift fund. 

Please note that all letters and photos will be screened before delivery.