Mission & History

Educating Children … Changing Lives


We support the education ministries of the Little Sisters of Saint Francis through sponsorship for impoverished children and young adults in Uganda.


An important mission of the Little Sisters of St. Francis is to educate children and young adults so they may become responsible and contributing members of their families and communities. Ugandan children and young adults will receive an education and vocational training through individual sponsorships and donations. 



The Little Sisters Education Fund (LSEF) operates as a volunteer subcommittee of the Little Sisters of Saint Francis – Midwest, a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting the Little Sisters of Saint Francis (LSOSF) in Uganda, Africa. The LSEF is comprised of teams based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Nkokonjeru, Uganda. Our teams work together to meet the needs of the sponsored children and to ensure quality education. Sponsorships and donations enable children to attend schools ranging from nursery through vocational or university level.


The Little Sisters of Saint Francis (LSOSF) are a religious order of East African women founded in 1923 by Irish Missionary, Mother Mary Kevin Kearney. The LSOSF serve the poor through education, social work and health care ministries. The Sisters operate and work in hospitals, clinics, orphanages and schools throughout Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, and areas of the United States.  

For more information check out THE LSOSF.